Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

Using social networking as an online store

Social networks like facebook, myspace, FUPEI, Pulse, googleplus, and so not merely as a medium of friendship only. Some things we can take advantage of social networking, among others:
  • Media campaign efforts
  • Media to confide
  • As the shouting
  • The media business or online store
  • Media introduces the results of our creation
  • And others

Many facilities owned social network is like looking for a friend based on certain criteria, your blog or notes, events schedule, reminder dates and many more features of the social network. Today I will try to share information about the use of social networking as a medium for our business in cyberspace or commonly referred to as an online store.
The online store is a place of business, we could call the stores that sell our goods in cyberspace or the internet. With the advantages possessed by the social networks we can use it as our online store.
There are several reasons I use social networking as an online store, among others:
  • Automatic and free catalog: the social network, if we are friends with someone, then what is our status update will appear automatically on the porch of our social networking friends. That's one advantage of our friends subscribe to our online store catalog. In addition we also do not need to automatically create your own catalog.
  • Personality access: one of the benefits of social networking, which we can control who can see our store.Two things on the basis of why I chose social networking as an online store. To find other advantages, you can try it for yourself by signing up social networking that you think good and proper as a medium to sell.
Strategies are needed in online stores are:
  • Honesty: Honesty is the most fundamental thing in a business. Honesty is also a determining factor for the credibility of our efforts. Sometimes a buyer does not see the ornaments or accessories that can enhance the beauty of our catalog image, but rather look at the truth about the ownership of the product. In addition to the truth about the ownership of the product, as well as the truth conditions of the poor condition of the goods barang.mencantumkan good that you sell will increase your confidence in buyers to shop
  • Number of friends: It is better to find a friend that as much as possible rather than looking for an enemy. That's what my grandfather once said when he was alive. Friends in social networking is the main target marketing our products. One user of social networking we recruit to become our social networking friends, and ask him to invite other users of social networking to become our partners will also save the cost of Internet access. Or it could be one time you're online, you are looking for 10 (ten) Social network users to be your friend.
  • Fanspage or Group: This is the stage after you membperoleh enough friends. You create a fan page or group where it is as an actual online store and your account (personal) as your contact person. Have you started to update the status on the fan page or social network group.
  • Cost of goods at no cost delivery: Use the price of goods sold, you do not need to add shipping charges. Please check shipping costs at the website menlayani freight. This is useful as a visitor attraction, where visitors see a relatively low price. Remember, besides visitors looking for good service are also always looking for the cheapest prices. The price of the game display also has a function other than as stimuli to visitors, namely as a measure of seriousness visitors.

I think for a while exposure of the utilization of social networking as this online store first, I'll share again in the days to come.
Thank you for your visit on my block.


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