Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

Utilizing a free blog as an online store for free

No Pain, No Gain. That's always been said by a business, but what about the free modalyang. I'm not saying no capital, but capital is free. Free capital that I will discuss is the media. Create an online store with its own domain requires financial capital which is quite large, other than that which our facilities can be very limited. On this occasion, I will share my experience about the use of free media to create a store in cyberspace.
Free media I mean the blog. Many variants of free blogs provided by bloghosting, like wordpress, blogspot / blogger, myspace, etc.. You can use one for your use as an online media store. I myself use a blogspot / blogger, why I chose blogger? My reasons are:
  • Display the admin dashboard or homepage that is user friendly facilitate us in processing our blog
  • Users are many and already familiar in cyberspace
  • Blogspot or blogger to allow us to freely modify or sidebar widgets and the look or layout, we can take advantage of the ease of it to increase visitor traffic and search engine optimization.

Well the most basic of the three reasons I use the blog as our online store. Before ktia led to another, there is a need to be understood in business ethics, especially regarding professionalism. If you have a big business, do not use a blog or a free domain. According to my colleague, a free facility will reduce public confidence. But if we use as the basis or beginning of starting a business, if you ask me okay. Because we are small scale and still need to raise financial capital of our efforts.
Now we discuss the strategy we will use:
  1. Display : Display is impacting on our blog access speed also affects the visitor attraction. It helps us to select a minimal & elegant, not too many ads contained pictures our blog. Picture only limited picture of the product which we will sell it. If you followed an affiliate program or online business such as business advertising, please use text ads only. Text ads can serve to make full tampilah or blog template, but we must remain focused on the blog & our own business, do not focus on the text ads.Besides images, the display will simply speed up access. Visitors are not too long
  2. Allow search engines like google, yahoo, etc. to access our blog. This will help us in the publication, visitors will easily find our online store when they are searching in search engines. In optimizing the search engine, you can learn more details about "technique SEO (Search Engine Optimizer)". You can search using a search engine you normally use.
  3. Modified the widget : Use the sidebar widget or as needed, for example, you use standard widgets such as lists the latest news, archives, categories, subscriptions via email, and others. In addition, you can also placed the supporters of selling a few items such as business profiles and method of payment (if you do not create your own page).

Of the three main and most basic strategy is still no strategy to accelerate perambaan search engine to your blog, one of which utilize the facility google url. You can add your blog url in google database, which could also help tracking your blog's address. Besides Google, other search engines like yahoo, etc. have the same facility. Another way that you can use to perform pingback on 25 search engines at once.

Well, I guess until enough information here first. I'll share something else will come.

Good luck & good luck.


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