PayPal is one of the means of payment (Payment procesors) use the internet most used and safest in the world. Internet users canbuy goods on ebay, original software licenses, membershipsites, business affairs, sending and receiving donations / contributions, send money to other PayPal users around the world and many other functions easily and automatically using the internet or mobile, PayPal address the shortage in the traditionalmoney transfer such as Cheque or money order that the processcan take PayPal as bank account, you first create an account,then funds will be withdrawn directly from your credit card to that account or with funds from a PayPal account transferan others toBalance / Balance PayPal you, and you can already use a PayPal account to transact
Selasa, 10 Januari 2012
Paypal definition
Mengenai Saya
per kiriman, diberikan pembebasan bea masuk dan tidak dipungut pajak dalam rangka impor. Ketentuan Pembebasan Bea Masuk dan Tidak Dipungut Pajak Dalam Rangka Impor Barang kiriman dengan nilai pabean paling banyak FOB USD 50,00 (lima puluh US Dollar) untuk setiap orang per kiriman, diberikan pembebasan bea masuk dan tidak